Pattern Recognition
March, 2023
Multi-object tracking (MOT) systems often rely on accurate object detectors; however, accurate detectors are not available in every application domain. We present Robust Confidence Tracking (RCT), an offline MOT algorithm designed for settings where detection quality is poor. Whereas prior methods simply threshold and discard detection confidence information, RCT relies on the exact detection confidence values to increase track quality throughout the entire tracking pipeline. This innovation (along with some simple and well-studied heuristics) allows RCT to achieve robust performance with minimal identity switches, even when provided with completely unfiltered detections. To compare trackers in the presence of unreliable detections, we present a challenging real-world underwater fish tracking dataset, FISHTRAC. In an large-scale evaluation across FISHTRAC, UA-DETRAC, and MOTChallenge data, RCT outperforms a wide variety of trackers, including deep trackers and more classic approaches.
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
April, 2022
There are many scenarios in which a mobile agent may not want its path to be predictable. Examples include preserving privacy or confusing an adversary. However, this desire for deception can conflict with the need for a low path cost. Optimal plans such as those produced by RRT* may have low path cost, but their optimality makes them predictable. Similarly, a deceptive path that features numerous zig-zags may take too long to reach the goal. We address this trade-off by drawing inspiration from adversarial machine learning. We propose a new planning algorithm, which we title Adversarial RRT*. Adversarial RRT* attempts to deceive machine learning classifiers by incorporating a predicted measure of deception into the planner cost function. Adversarial RRT* considers both path cost and a measure of predicted deceptiveness in order to produce a trajectory with low path cost that still has deceptive properties. We demonstrate the performance of Adversarial RRT*, with two measures of deception, using a simulated Dubins vehicle. We show how Adversarial RRT* can decrease cumulative RNN accuracy across paths to 10%, compared to 46% cumulative accuracy on near-optimal RRT* paths, while keeping path length within 16% of optimal. We also present an example demonstration where the Adversarial RRT* planner attempts to safely deliver a high value package while an adversary observes the path and tries to intercept the package.